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Panels prepainted, complete with aluminium perimetric profiles
Rear frame of stainless steel with two back doors
Opportunity to change the thickness of the side wall
Aluminium profiles, cut to lenght, to structurally and aesthetically finish the inside
Aluminium corners
Pre-wired electrical system with internal LED lights and position lights with quick connection
Economic, ergonomic and reduced size
L x W x H mm (L+40 x W+40 x H 600)
Only three types of profiles
Only one cut
Easy assembling, without help of specific devices
Mechanical locking of panels by tightening bolts with tubular wrench
Opportunity of disassembling and reassemblig of the van
Easy maintenance and repair

1. Positioning of the floor

2. Assembling of the front wall

3. Assembling of the right side wall

4. Assembling of the left side wall

5. Assembling of the roof

6. Assembling of the back

7. Fitting of the corners

8. Fitting of the inside profiles

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